The Best Advice for Keeping Your HVAC System in Good Shape

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When the temperatures outside soar, there is nothing like going indoors to a cool, air conditioned home. However, without proper maintenance, your HVAC system can struggle to keep up on hot days, and potentially even give out. Here’s how to ensure your home is a comfortable retreat, especially when summertime is in full swing.

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Start with a clean slate

When it comes to proper maintenance, changing the filters on your HVAC system is an excellent starting point for homeowners. A dirty filter can reduce efficiency, causing your system to work harder and raising energy usage, in turn making for higher utility bills. It could eventually shorten the life of the unit, and require more frequent professional maintenance in the interim. Additionally, some experts say dirty filters are hard on your family members’ health, lowering in-home air quality and subjecting your household to increased dust and dirt. SFGate recommends checking filters at least once monthly, and notes smokers and pet owners will typically need to change filters more frequently than other homeowners.

If you haven’t changed the filter on your unit before or you need a refresher, here are step-by-step instructions:

1. Shut off the unit.
2. Remove the access panel.
3. Remove the old filter, noting the filter size and direction it faces.
4. Replace the filter with a new one in the same size and facing the same direction.
5. Close the access panel.
6. Turn the unit back on.

Sometimes in the heat of summer, a clogged filter can lead to a frozen coil on your air conditioner. If your unit quits, try replacing the filter first and let the unit defrost, but as All Systems Mechanical explains, other issues can freeze air conditioners. If you experience a frozen system and changing your filter doesn’t help, you could have clogged or collapsed ductwork, or a mechanical problem. In the event changing the filter doesn’t help, consider it time to call a pro. Reach out to a local HVAC company to address the issue.

Do some tidying up

Changing filters is just one thing homeowners can do to keep their HVAC systems in good shape. Another suggestion is to inspect outdoor units regularly, and remove any leaves or other debris that could be interfering with air flow. If the unit becomes dirty, you can hose it off. Also, to ensure good air flow, make sure you cut back any shrubbery or other plant material to 18 inches away from the unit. Inside your home, keep your registers clear of furniture, curtains, and other belongings. You can also clean registers regularly to keep down the dust and dirt building up on your filters. As part of your routine vacuuming, one idea is to use the brush attachment to give registers a weekly refresher. You can also use the vent on your stove when you cook to help reduce the sticky particles in the air, which could otherwise contribute to your registers getting dirty.

Schedule an annual tune-up

To keep your HVAC system performing its best, make sure you have a professional give it a once-over on a regular basis (the cost of an HVAC inspection averages $321). Aim for a minimum of once each year. During the service call, the technician will perform a number of tasks, like lubricating moving parts, cleaning the blower, checking the refrigerant, and inspecting the condensate drain. If you live in a cold area, you might schedule a service call for your furnace in the fall and for your air conditioner in the spring. One way to remember this is when you change your clocks for daylight saving time, if you haven’t made an appointment yet, it’s time to schedule a maintenance call.

If your HVAC system is in working order and your home still loses heat or cool air, drafty windows could be to blame. You can hire a window repair service to fix or replace your windows to prevent heat or cool air from escaping your home. The cost of window repair averages $290, but replacing your windows will cost considerably more. When working with window repair professionals, insist on proof of insurance and customer referrals.

As a homeowner, there is never a shortage of things to do. Thankfully, the DIY work of an HVAC system is pretty simple. With a little effort and routine care, your home should be cool as a cucumber throughout the summer months!